(1810–1887) Ammon Underwood, early settler, son of Asa and Mercy (Durant) Underwood, was born at Dracut, Massachusetts, on February 13, 1810. In 1834 he took passage from Boston to Texas and arrived...
Brown, Henry Stevenson
(1793–1834) Henry Stevenson Brown, early settler, trader, and Indian fighter, was born in Madison County, Kentucky, on March 8, 1793, the son of Caleb and Jemima (Stevenson) Brown. In 1810 he moved...
Byrom, John Smith Davenport
(1798–1837) John Byrom, early settler, son of Henry and Catherine Smith (Davenport) Byrom, was born in Hancock, Georgia, on September 24, 1798. In 1806 he moved with his uncle and guardian, John...
Lockhart, Byrd
(1782–1839) Byrd Lockhart, Alamo defender, courier, and officer, was born in Virginia in 1782. He was a widower when he moved to Texas from Missouri with his mother, sister, and two children, after...
McFarlane, Dugald
(1797–1861) Dugald MacFarlane, [Also, spelled as McFarlane and McFarland] legislator, author, and signer of the Goliad Declaration of Independence, was born in Scotland in 1797. He immigrated to...
Hazen, Nathaniel C.
As Texian soldiers routed General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna’s Mexican troops at the decisive Battle of San Jacinto in April 1836, celebratory shouts of “Remember the Alamo” and “Remember Goliad”...
Rounds, George
(1805–1855) George Rounds, soldier and philanthropist, was born in New York about 1805, moved to Texas by 1836, and settled at Velasco. During the Texas Revolution he served in Colonel James W....
Adriance, John
(1816-1903) When John Adriance was laid to rest at Old Columbia Cemetery in December of 1903, he had left his mark on the East and West Columbia communities. He had been a soldier in Texas’s fight...
Cayce, Major Thomas Dodson
(1785–1857) Thomas Dodson Cayce moved to Texas from Tennessee in December 18291, making the trek by boat from Memphis2. He established a ferry near where the bridge over the Colorado River is now...